Legal Resource Center
Saad Law is pleased to introduce the newest member of its team, Vani Selvarajah. Specializing in corporate and commercial law, Vani provides legal counsel to clients in a number of different capacities including corporate acquisitions and divestitures, corporate formation and structuring, partnerships and joint ventures, financing transactions and commercial real estate transactions. Who is Vani Selvarajah? Vani comes from years of wide ranged experience in general law, refugee and immigration law, and corporate and commercial law. Articling for the well-known Barbara Jackman at Jackman, Nazami & Associates, working at GA Law for Gary Anandasangaree, now a member of Canadian Parliament, and acting as a representative for Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada at the United Nations Human Rights Council sessions in Geneva, Vani
Have you chosen to invest in real estate as a means through which to accumulate wealth in the long term? If so, part of that long-term plan likely includes considerations of your estate – in other words, how you plan to look after your family when you’re gone. Is Your Estate Organized in Your Favour or the Government’s? Take a minute to ask yourself: What will happen to my estate when I’m gone? How much of my hard earned money and accumulated wealth will be directly passed on to my family and beneficiaries? Have I structured my estate in the best way possible? To what degree will my estate be taxed upon my passing? What You May Not Know Depending
Have you taken a recent look at your internal business procedures and daily operations? Are the processes in place the same processes you implemented years ago when you started your business or have you evolved with the changes in your industry? Do you know with absolute certainty that your current practices are compliant with all rules, regulations and laws governing your trade? When’s the last time you checked? Why a Reevaluation is in Order As new technologies hit the market, as products and services advance and as industry standards change with the times, it’s your responsibility to stay up to date. Make a commitment to reevaluate your current business practices. Not only can this help to identify discrepancies and recognize
The colour grey isn’t as cut and dry as black or white, but rather falls somewhere between the two. Using these three colours to define the legalities of business practices, we might say that white represents legal, straight-arrow, by-the-book practices and black represents illegal, unscrupulous and deceptive business practices. And grey? Well, that falls somewhere in the middle. It represents practices that are not illegal but not entirely legal either. Operating in the Grey Has its Benefits – But Also its Risks If you’re like most business owners, you only consider “grey” practices if they offer some form of significant benefit to you and your company. Of course, there’s always a flipside. What are the risks associated with grey business
When it comes to the legal side of your business, are you willing to bend the rules? Are you an entrepreneur that plays every single move by the book? Or do you calculate your risk and make certain business decisions that may be considered crossing the line? Right, Wrong or Somewhere in Between? In business, the decisions we make and the processes we employ are not always cut and dry. Maybe we fudge a few of our corporate expenses so we pay a little less tax at the end of the year. Or perhaps we engage in aggressive billing exercises within our medical practice. Or maybe we accept the occasional cash deal that never goes on the books. Whatever it
The Third Blog in a Series of 3: How You Treat Your Partners, Advisors, Associates and Colleagues   In this final blog of our Restoring Respect series, we’re going to talk about the people that often don’t get the focus of your time: your partners, advisors, associates and colleagues. They’re incredibly important because they give you advice, provide you with guidance and make critical recommendations for your business. Before you continue, have a read through the first two blogs in this series: How You Treat Your Staff How You Treat Your Customers You’re short on time – but so are they! If you’re like most business owners, you probably find yourself wishing there were many more hours in a day. It’s